
The difference between sheet and cast steel.
排気管カバー にへこみを入れ。使用感を出す。プラスティックを暖めて変形させる訳 であるが、ろうそくを使うには熟練が必要である。写真の器具は医療用 の局所加熱器である。電池式でボタンを押すと先端が即真っ赤に加熱す る。米国ではオンラインで簡単に入手できる。

Make dents in the exhaust covers to give the appearance of use. Plastic deforms easily when heated. But using a candle requires quite a bit of practice, so in the accompanying photo you see a tool used by the medical profession for heating limited regions. It is battery-powered and is operated merely by pushing a button. The tip glows red as it gets hot. In the US this is easily available from mail-order outlets.

Hold close to the region for about 10 seconds.

If you press immediately with a dowel, you get a beautiful little dent, like this.
排気官口 の先端にゲート位置があるのは、タミヤの設計ミスと言える。袋をあけ た時から、ゲートのひねりによる切れ込みが発生していた。パテで埋め て整形する。

There is a gate at the tip of the exhaust outlet, an unusual design error for Tamiya. Since opening the parts bag, the twisting motion of the gate caused some tears in the part to develop, which need to be filled with putty.

After reshaping.

The skirt looks a lot niftier when separated into individual section. Use Hasegawa's line scriber to make the cut.

Use a sand paper file to clean up the cut.

The sections are then slightly rearranged.

Actually, what you see here is not Tamiya's etched part, but since they were not ready yet I used alternative parts. The method is identical, however.
To remove etched parts from the sprue, use special scissors intended for this purpose. Don't use a knife since this requires a lot of force and bends the etched parts.

The gate is removed with a 400 grade file.

Instant glue is best for glueing etched parts to plastic. The brush-on type recently available from Creous is a a real treasure.

After attaching the parts securely, use the blunt end of a pair os tweezers to depress the grating as though it has been trodden with feet. This effect can be seen in photos of the Aberdeen museum Tiger on this homepage.

Like this.

Final state
English text on Step 4 -12 translated by Gernot Hassenpflug